- Belgrade
- 26/07/2021
- Tags: Dušanka Lukić, Litigation | Debt Collection, Marko Stanković, News
- Belgrade
- 26/07/2021
- Tags: Dušanka Lukić, Litigation | Debt Collection, Marko Stanković, News
Our Law Office had the privilege representing and providing all around legal support to OFK Mihajlovac (further: the Club) in settling the issue of the Clubs placement in Serbian league West, i.e., its irregular relegation to the lower Podunavsko-šumadijska local football league.
Our engagement started with negotiating peaceful solution to the problem with the Football association of Western Serbia, communicating with media, and followed with representing the Club in Arbitration procedure in front of the Court of Arbitration of the Football Association of Serbia.
Dispute has been resolved, to our great pleasure, by the Decision of the Court of Arbitration which accepted our claim and annulled composition of Serbian league West and composition of Podunavsko-šumadijska local league for season 2020/21. This Decision of the Court represents official confirmation of our standing that both leagues have been comprised illegally, contrary to their propositions and actual results of the involved clubs.
We shall continue with providing all around legal support to the OFK Mihajlovac, to secure further execution of the Court’s Decision and compensation of damages that the Club suffered by being illegally degraded into a lower competition and by participating in a league that proved to be illegally formed.
We consider that this Decision is an important step in the process of establishing legal security in sports and we welcome readiness of the Football Association of Serbia to efficiently secure compliance with sports regulations and fair play, especially having in mind potential consequences of this Decision that are yet to be revealed.
Our team in this process was represented by attorneys Marko Stanković and Dušanka Lukić.
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